- Humans of History
By: Andrew Teng, Journalist
- The World
By: Cooper Choe, Journalist
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By: Asa Keller, Journalist
When most people think of the future, they may think of flying cars and super-fast vehicles.

By: Liza Plis, Max Purtill, Gallery Deck Editors
"I drew this with the thought in mind of doing what you want you can before getting too old. Enjoy life now instead of later because tomorrow is always uncertain."

By: Liza Plis, Max Purtill, Gallery Deck Editors
"From Aphrodite to Spain, the language of the rose has remained as true love. For its petals’ simplistic beauty, maybe, but even more so the fragile spikes that lie beneath the surface. As the flow of time proceeds into the future, the essence of a rose will, ultimately, remain true."

By: Liza Plis, Max Purtill, Gallery Deck Editors
"This painting is looking into the future and the past. Showing how I once was, how I am now, and, most importantly, how I want to be in the future. All while being slowly surrounded by a dark shadow that will one day stop the constant change that is life. The future will come and death with it. Making all the things that you were, are, and will be into one." - Max Purtill
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- Streaming, Movies, Television Reviews
By: Olivia Hopkins, Journalist
- Streaming, Movies, Television Reviews
By: Cooper Choe, Journalist

By: Adelaida Romero, Journalist
You've had to have had fast food at least once in your life, maybe a Big Mac from McDonalds, some chicken nuggets from Chick-fil-a, or maybe just a Frosty and fries from Wendy's!

By: Shiryu Gibson and Journalist
The Luther Jackson cafeteria is a place for students in Luther Jackson to eat. The cafeteria has different food you can eat like pizza, burgers and more.

By: Raya Derdesawi, Journalist
America is a nation with diverse foods and cultures, including candies. With that being said, there are a bunch of chocolates Americans love.

By: Lirian Davidson, Journalist
Tubular in shape, trumpet creepers are viewed as beautiful flowers. With colors reminiscent of sunsets like reddish-orange and golden yellows. They grow in long wood-like vines and spread like wildfire.

By: Lirian Davidson, Journalist
Aster is a daisy, commonly blue or purple; it means star. Asters and Morning Glories are also seen as one of the September birth flowers.

By: Lirian Davidson, Journalist
The pawpaw might sound like an unusual name, but it made sense to the Portuguese explorer who found it.

By: Santiago Salazar, Reporter
The Beatles, such an amazing band that still to this day, live on with their outstanding music. But how were the Beatles formed? It all began in 1957 when two music loving...

By: Cindy DeLeon-DeLeon, Reporter
Tim Burton's The Nightmare Before Christmas tells the tale of Jack Skellington, in the setting of Halloween town. The movie has a unique art style that is very different...

By: Erick Martinez-Gomez, Reporter
Kuromukuro is one of my most favorites anime of all time. It is really underrated and unknow which kind of annoys me because it deserves a lot more hype and recognition. Kuromukuro...