A section dedicated to exploration of careers and college.
During summer next year, Mrs. McLean is going to be taking a bunch of kids and parents from LJMS to Scotland!
Standardized tests exist for a good reason. However, they're being used incorrectly.
Choosing a laptop these days can be confusing and frustrating. One search on Amazon will pop up thousands of results, but are the laptops that show up good?
Congratulations, Luther Jackson Tigers! On June 3rd and 4th, 2024, Luther Jackson Middle School had their annual "Award Ceremonies," accolading outstanding middle-school students for their achievements...
5 tips on how to do well on the SOL.
The past weekend has been a big one for LJMS, specifically for the Technology Student Association (TSA) team. Why is that? On May 4th and 5th, there was a TSA state conference....
As you may have heard, our incredible cast and crew of the recent musical Matilda worked very hard to complete the show. But learning anything about the play can be difficult if you've been struggling to find information. But don't worry; the Jackson Journal has your back. We've compiled a list of everything you need to know about Luther Jackson's Matilda!
The food drive for kids is a fantastic thing to do for the school. It makes the school look good, and the entire county looks good, but most importantly, they help the kids get a lot of food so no one starves.
It's a weird transition from 6th grade to 7th grade. You and your friends are split up into different classes and you're forced to make new friends. You'll have 8 separate classes and will have to remember the materials for the class (including homework), where the class is, and what day the class is. And choosing where to sit at lunch is a whole new challenge. But it doesn't have to be that bad, though. Here are a couple tips to help you prepare for 7th grade and the middle school experience.
On the 18th of March, all the LJMS seventh graders went on a field trip to the National Mall. The reason behind this? It was to learn more about the Vietnam War, the Korean War, and the history of America overall.
Here are some details about the upcoming Spring Track and Field at Luther Jackson Middle School!
As Fairfax County Public Schools' third grading quarter comes to a close, and Spring Break slowly inches toward our eager minds, many students are planning on leaving the state, or even leaving the country!
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