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The student newspaper of Luther Jackson Middle School



Dori Sakurada

Dori Sakurada

By: Kamaliya Karimova, Journalist
The life of Dori Sakurda.
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man and woman sitting on chairs

Advice for Rising 7th Graders

By: Sabrina Remy, Journalist
If you're a 6th grader or rising 7th grader who is starting middle school soon, you're probably pretty nervous about it. So, to help you feel more prepared, these are the top 10 tips for how to succeed in middle school.
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Why You Should Eat Cucumbers

Why You Should Eat Cucumbers

By: Umar Tyler, Journalist
ucumber is a very nutritious fruit. It has many essential elements such as water, protein, iron, vitamin C and K, calcium, and other many beneficial elements. Cucumber can help prevent dehydration.
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A Change in Character - Max Purtill

A Change in Character – Max Purtill

By: Liza Plis, Max Purtill, Gallery Deck Editors
"This painting is looking into the future and the past. Showing how I once was, how I am now, and, most importantly, how I want to be in the future. All while being slowly surrounded by a dark shadow that will one day stop the constant change that is life. The future will come and death with it. Making all the things that you were, are, and will be into one." - Max Purtill
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