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The student newspaper of Luther Jackson Middle School



yellow Labrador puppy running on field

Service Dogs

By: Asa Keller, Journalist
Some people are born with disabilities that they will need help to get around with such as blindness.
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Picture of a Golden Retriever

Can Dogs Read Our Emotions?

By: Melissa Ducar, Journalist
Has your dog helped you out when your have felt upset, or when you're super happy? Well according to scientists dogs can read human emotion.
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Can Dogs Tell If You're Happy or Sad?

Can Dogs Tell If You’re Happy or Sad?

Have you ever wondered if your dog could tell when you were happy or sad? If they could register emotions that humans can on a basic level? The answer is yes. A study proves that on some level, dogs can...

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Can Dogs See Color?

Can Dogs See Color?

Many people think that dogs can only see in black and white. That is not true. Dogs can see shades of blue, yellow, and green. When these shades of colors are combined, dogs can see shades of grayish...

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