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The student newspaper of Luther Jackson Middle School



American Image

“American Image” is a section of the Jackson Journal in which our journalists take an illustration, political comic or news image from American history or current events and write about how it reflects the values and character of the United States.

The Rise of Ja Morant

The Rise of Ja Morant

By: Liam Flanagan, Journalist
Ja Morant has had a very exciting career. Even though he has plenty more of his prime, lets go back in time before his high flying dunks and monstrous posters.
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The Rise of Kobe Bryant

The Rise of Kobe Bryant

By: Josiah Remy, Journalist
This article is about Kobe Bryant's life and how he was one of the best basketball players in history.
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Life during the Roaring 20s

Life during the Roaring 20s

By: Olivia Hopkins, Journalist
The 1920s, often called the “Jazz Age,” was an impactful decade that changed many people's views on culture and expanded America into a more modern era.
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soldiers in camouflage uniform holding rifle

The Marine Corps

By: Jayden Pepper, Journalist
The United States Marine Corps (USMC) is a branch of the United States Armed Forces responsible for conducting expeditionary and amphibious operations with the Navy.
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man in green 5 American football jersey holding ball

A Report On Super Bowl LVII

By: Miller Stevenson, Journalist
The Super Bowl of 2024 was a game for the ages, with the Kansas City Chiefs emerging victorious over the San Francisco 49ers in a thrilling overtime match.
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"0 New England Patriots quarterback Tom Brady" by Jack Kurzenknabe is marked with CC PDM 1.0

Patrick Mahomes V.S. Tom Brady

By: Miller Stevenson, Journalist
Mahomes downplays comparison to Brady, but is making a run at his legacy.
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gray and blue airplane

History Of The Airplane

By: Khue Vu, Journalist
The Wright Brothers are claimed to be the inventors of the first airplane in the world. Fascinated by an airplane toy and its mechanics, the brothers hoped to build a flying machine large enough to hold the both of them one day.
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"cowboy" by La Shola y EL Gringo? is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 2.0

The Invention That Ended The Wild West

By: Isaiah Efrem, Reporter
The ending of one of the craziest eras in American history.
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"Black and White" by Brian Auer is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 2.0

The Ageist Divide

By: Gabrielle Carpenter, Editor
Ageism is prejudice based on one's age. Upon first hearing the term ageism, many will lift their brow and chuckle at the thought that such a thing exists.
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"Voices of Diversity, April 25th, 2007" by joaquinuy is licensed under CC BY 2.0

Complaint Filed After Biased Attack Asian Woman And Child

By: Siamba Oguah, Journalist
Last week a man purportedly harassed and threatened an Asian-American woman and her daughter in a car because they were of Asian descent. Many cities have seen an increase in Asian hate crimes since the beginning of the pandemic.
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"Child Labor: Carolina cotton mill, 1908." by Kelly Short6 is marked with CC PDM 1.0

Old Factories During the Industrial Revolution

By: Cindy DeLeon-DeLeon, Reporter
During the industrial revolution in 1760 a lot of things had change with factories. With more and more factories, more products were being mass produced everyday.
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"SCOTUS APRIL 2015 LGBTQ 54663" by tedeytan is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0

June Is Pride Month, Support The LGBTQIA+ Community

By: Siamba Oguah, Journalist
LGBTQIA stands for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer or questioning, intersex, and asexual; the plus stands for any sexualities that weren't included in the acronym. In honor of pride month here are some things you can do to support the community and be a better ally.
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