Castor oil is a kind of vegetable oil extracted from the castor bean. The bean alone is extremely poisonous as it contains ricin, which is one of the most toxic substances known to man. But as the oil is extracted, the castor bean pulp which contains the ricin is left behind. The oil gets processed a few more times before getting shipped off for production therefore it’s completely safe to use. Over the years, people have been saying that castor oil is good for hair and eyelashes. If you want to know if it’s true or not, continue reading.
Although there is not a lot of scientific evidence on whether or not castor oil is actually good for your hair, there is some that proves it is indeed true. Castor oil contains a fatty acid which is known as ricinoleic acid, which is believed to contribute to the growth of hair. Once again, because there hasn’t been much research done on the topic, there isn’t much to support these claims. Castor oil has other benefits such as being able to moisturize the hair and protect the scalp from infections. With the ricinoleic acid in the oil, applying it to your hair serves as a natural moisturizer by entrapping the natural oils from your hair, and overall giving it a clean and shiny look. Castor oil can also protect your scalp from infections. The oil contains antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, and anti-fungal properties, which has been researched to protect your hair and scalp from fungal and other infections.
In conclusion, castor oil, although having very little research done on it, can indeed improve your hair health. It contains several properties which can help with providing an extra protective barrier for your hair as well as protecting your scalp from infections. Castor oil is a great substance to start with to improve hair health.