Today, chocolate chip cookies are the most popular and well-known cookies. They are quick and easy to bake as well as a great grab-and-go snack. But do you really know where your favorite snack came from?
Toll House
Ruth Wakefield ran a restaurant with her husband called Toll House in Whitman, Massachusetts. One day, while Wakefield was baking a batch of cookies, she realized that there was no more baker’s chocolate for the recipe. Instead, Ruth Wakefield improvised by replacing the baker’s chocolate with chopped-up bits of a semi-sweet chocolate bar she found. She mixed the chocolate chunks into the cookie dough, expecting it to melt into the dough. Instead, while it was baking the chocolate held its shape. From then, the chocolate chip cookie was born. It was implemented in the Toll House menu and quickly became a huge hit!
Becoming a Success
As Wakefield’s chocolate chip cookie gained popularity, they were seen in other places than the Toll House restaurant. They were sent out to the soldiers and even overseas when the US joined the war. The concept for the cookie also spread, as little chunks of chocolate began to be seen in cakes, pies, muffins, and ice cream. Who would’ve guessed the little improvisation would become a world wide success?