Tysons City Boxing is a boxing gym in Tysons Corner. They don’t just have boxing, they also have kickboxing. If you want to learn how to box or do kickboxing, Tysons City Boxing might be the right place for you.
Memberships and coaches
Tysons City Boxing has boxing classes for beginners and they also have kickboxing for beginners. If you just want to try it out and not get a full membership, for 109$ you can get a drop in class with whatever coach is in there at the time. You can also get different types of memberships with one of which being 20 classes for 219$, but I personally would recommend getting the monthly membership for 109$ because it doesn’t have limited courses. You just have to sign up for a class and the time you want it and with any membership, you can see the time the class is, the coach, and if it’s boxing or kickboxing. Coach Dean Mcqueen is the owner of the gym. He is really nice, as all the coaches are. They will teach you all the basics and if you still need help, they will stay with you and try to help you if you’re struggling. Another coach is Mike. I have never been to one of his classes, but I heard that he trains you hard to keep going even when you are tired. When you’re done, he really teaches you all the things you need to.
Workouts and boxing
The workouts they teach you and make you do are for conditioning and strength training. Focus on making sure you are strong enough to fight so you don’t get tired fast and so when you throw a punch, it’s hard. You have to be able to doge, not be weary, and maybe hit one of the combos they teach you. One of the first things they tell you are what the punches are called in number. After you learn the normal one, you can make your number system. Punches with the left are odd numbers (1, 3, and 5) and right punches are even. (2, 4, and 6) There are six punches in total. One and two are the first ones you’ll learn because those are the easiest to learn, but once you know them, that’s when you learn combos. They tell you what to do in the numbers. One of them is one, two, three, six which is a jab, cross left hook and a right uppercut.
South Paul
South Paul in boxing is where you are left handed so your style of boxing might be a little different but it’s mostly the opposite. A cross, which is a right punch, would be with your left instead. This is the same thing with a jab. Instead of being a left punch, it would be a right. It’s hard to fight against because most of the people you would fight would be right-handed, so you would be used to it.