Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back
The “second” movie of the Star Wars series. It had been three years since Star Wars: A New Hope had been published in 1977 and people all over the world had been waiting. In 1980, the theaters were overflowing with people as everyone wanted to watch the second film of the series.
This is Star Wars: Episode V – The Empire Strikes Back.
The Plot
The Empire has been relentlessly searching for the Rebellion, determined to find their rebel base. Little do they know that the Rebellion is sheltering on an icy planet, called Hoth, and their new rebel base, Echo Base. Luke Skywalker gets attacked by a Wampa while scouting, thus starting the movie with a bang.

After escaping from the Wampa’s lair, he sees a vision of Obi-Wan (Ben) Kenobi as a Force spirit. Obi-Wan tells Luke to find his old Jedi Master, Master Yoda on a planet called Dagobah. The vision shatters with Obi-Wan disappearing and Han Solo appearing to save his frozen and barely conscious friend. After Luke heals, the Empire finds Echo Base, starting the Battle of Hoth. Leia Organa, Chewbacca, and Han Solo escape the Imperial Troops on the Millennium Falcon, with Luke Skywalker and R2-D2 flying to Dagobah, in search of the Jedi Master Yoda.

As Luke finds the little green creature and starts his training, Leia, Han, Chewie, and C-3PO have the Empire on their tails and find shelter in a cave in an asteroid field. The “cave” they had been sheltering in was an exogorth (space worm) and the four find themselves in Cloud City, in the world of Bespin. There, Han meets an old friend, Lando Calrissian. The four think they are safe on Cloud City, before they are betrayed and revealed to the Empire. Han Solo is frozen in carbonite and is sold off to the ruthless bounty hunter, Boba Fett, who in return gives the bounty to Jabba the Hutt. Luke, who has grown stronger with the Force, finds out with his friends in pain and torture, and leaves Dagobah without completing his training.

There, he duels with Darth Vader, but he is outmatched by the sheer power and skill of the Sith Lord. The two fight to the end of a catwalk, the Sith Lord cutting off Luke’s right arm and lightsaber, before telling an aghast Luke that he is his father. Luke escapes his father by letting go of the catwalk, falling down a reactor shaft, and catches onto a weather vane from the bottom of Cloud City. Meanwhile, Leia, Chewie, and Lando lose Han to Boba Fett before managing to double back to save a barely conscious Luke, dangling from the machinery. The movie concludes with Luke getting a new mechanical arm before Luke, Leia, C-3PO, and R2-D2 stare out of a window, spaceships and the galaxy spread out in front of them. Then, it’s credited over an empty starfield.
The Music
Some of the most famous Star Wars music comes from The Empire Strikes Back. Here’s a list of some of John William’s soundtrack for this movie.
- The Imperial March
- Han Solo and the Princess
- Yoda’s Theme
- The Asteroid Field
- The Training of a Jedi Knight
- Yoda and the Force
- The Duel
The Quotes
In The Empire Strikes Back, there are many quotes that are still used by Star Wars fans today. Here a couple of them.
“I don’t know where you get your delusions from, laser brain.” – Leia Organa
“Laugh it up, fuzzball.” – Han Solo
“Why, you stuck up, half-witted, scruffy-looking…nerf-herder” – Leia Organa
“Do or do not. There is no try.” – Yoda

“Never tell me the odds!” – Han Solo
“He is as clumsy as he is stupid.” – Darth Vader
“The son of Skywalker must not become a Jedi.” – Emperor Palpatine
“You do have your moments. Not many, but you do have them.” – Leia Organa
“I love you.” – Leia Organa / “I know.” – Han Solo
“You’ll find that I’m full of surprises.” – Luke Skywalker
“Impressive. Most impressive.” – Darth Vader
“No, I am your father.” – Darth Vader
“Join me, and together we can rule the galaxy as father and son.” – Darth Vader
“May the Force be with you.” – Luke Skywalker
Fans were now eagerly waiting for the last Star Wars movie, the last movie to conclude the trilogy. But, for now, as Lucasfilm was shooting Star Wars: Return of the Jedi, everyone dreamed of a galaxy long time ago; far, far away.