A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away… A new galaxy, a new movie series, new characters. This is the “first” movie of Star Wars, the first movie of the lasting films that will change history forever. This is Star Wars: Episode IV – A New Hope.
The Plot
In A New Hope, Luke journeys with Old Ben (Obi-Wan Kenobi), Han Solo (a scoundrel, pirate, and smuggler), Chewabacca (Chewie) (a loyal Wookie, first mate to Han), Princess Leia Organa (a captured rebel princess), C-3PO, (a golden droid), and R2-D2 (an astromech droid).

Princess Leia is captured by Imperial troops, as she sends R2-D2 to Tatooine with the plans that are vital to the Rebellion in order to destroy the Death Star, a massive battle station that is capable of destroying a planet with a single shot. R2-D2 and C-3PO are sent to Tatooine before getting captured by Jawas (desert creatures) and sold to Owen Lars. Luke Skywalker is introduced into this scene, before he finds the holo-graphic video of Leia asking for Obi-Wan to help her. The next day, Luke and the droids meet Ben (Obi-Wan) Kenobi, the Jedi Master revealing his old disguise as a hermit. Meanwhile, the Empire had tracked the two wanted droids to this desert planet and found who had bought the droids…
After the Imperial troops destroy and burn his home, aunt, and uncle, he travels with Ben Kenobi to learn the ways of the Force, or a Jedi, like Anakin.

On the way, they recruit Han Solo and Chewbacca (Chewie) to help them rescue Princess Leia. As they learn about the Death Star, a battle station with enough power to destroy a planet in one shot, Alderaan explodes from the first attack of the space station. Luke, Han, Chewie, Ben, and the droids sneak aboard, saving Princess Leia, but Obi-Wan (Ben) Kenobi is killed by Darth Vader. The Rebellion sends 30 fighters to attack the Death Star in hope of destroying the battle station with a blast shot into the two-meter thermal exhaust port. Of the 30 fighters, only three survived, as Luke Skywalker fires the one shot that blasts the Death Star into a million pieces, with a little help from Han and Chewie. The film concludes with Luke and Han receiving the Medal of Yavin from Leia before the credits are shone onto an empty starfield.
The Music
There has been several scores produced for A New Hope by John Williams. Here are some of the most popular compositions.
- Main Title
- Princess Leia’s Theme
- Cantina Band
- The Throne Room and End Title
The Cast
Director- George Lucas
Writer- George Lucas
Producer- Gary Kurtz
Production Designer- John Barry
Music- John Williams

Luke Skywalker- Mark Hamill
Han Solo- Harrison Ford
Leia Organa- Carrie Fisher
Chewbacca- Peter Mayhew
Obi-Wan (Ben) Kenobi- Alec Guinness
Darth Vader- David Prowse
Moff Tarkin- Peter Cushing
Uncle Owen- Phil Brown
Aunt Beru- Shelagh Fraser
C-3PO- Anthony Daniels
R2-D2- Kenny Baker
Wedge Antilles- Dennis Lawson
Biggs Darklighter- Garrick Hagon
Fans eagerly waited for the second Star Wars Movie: The Empire Strikes Back as stories of a farmboy, princess, and smuggler spread across the world. Their story of hope. Their story of science fiction. Their story of a galaxy far away. This is Star Wars: Episode IV – A New Hope.