William Hanna and Joseph Barbera had an idea to create a cartoon for little kids, it was originally made for Metro Goldwyn Mayer. It was a American cartoon and it was about a clueless cat and a smart mouse that plays tricks on the cat and those cartoons are named Tom and Jerry.
During that time MGM’s animation department had yet to publish any cartoon type of character, it took around 6 weeks to publish the new cartoons were made and it was named Tom and Jerry. The budget was estimated to be around 50k for each Tom and Jerry cartoon during this time Barbera and Hanna did not work with the script while making this cartoon. The cartoon took place around 1940- 1967 and the cartoon was a hit and every kid watched it and grew up with the cartoon and the company stopped making more Tom and Jerry and the cartoon ended on august 1 1958 and till to this day people still watch Tom and Jerry it was one the best cartoons.