What is the Law of Process?
How do people become filthy rich? It is by using the Law of Process. The Law of Process is where you make a routine and complete the tasks you set the day before. This will benefit you because it is a great way to build success. For example, the Olympic runners train very intensely every day, but they won’t see results the same day; it happens over time. If you implement the Law of Process into your life over time, you will see results. For example, a student studies daily to be smarter, a musician practices their instrument daily to play better; these are just a couple of examples of everyday people working, to get better and better. That is the beauty of the Law of Process.
How to Use the Law of Process
To implement the Law of Process in your life, the only thing you have to do is to make a to-do list of all the tasks you want to complete tomorrow and rank them from one (the most important) to five (the least important). By doing this, you have given yourself a list of tasks to complete before you can relax or scroll on social media. This will help you make it productive during the day. Though this might seem too simple, it is really hard to stay consistent. So one tip I would recommend is, start off with simple tasks. For example, one of your tasks could be to make your bed. This gives you a sense of pride when you cross off the task on your checklist. By doing this daily, you will see the effects quickly!
Who Even Uses the Law of Process?
Every outstanding leader uses the law of process to refine their skills. For example, great leaders like the CEO of Starbucks, Howard Shultz, went from rags to riches by staying consistent and longing for the achievement of the American dream. His story is truly
inspiring as it teaches that anyone can be rich just by staying consistent.
What Effects You Might See
You most likely won’t see any major effects in the first week, but remember no one gets shredded just by one visit to the gym; it takes time. It is sort of like investing; you won’t see any major increases in the amount of money in the first year, but due to compound interest, you will see a massive increase in money in the fifteenth year.