The spider lily is a nickname for the lycoris radiata, other nicknames are red magic lily, corpse flower, and more.
The meaning of the name:
The reason it’s called the spider lily, is because in Japanese culture it’s connected with death and departure. The flower’s name higanbana (flower of the afterlife). The spider lily’s connection with death has led to its tradition of being planted in graveyards. It’s believed that the flower’s toxicity helps scare off/frighten animals away from disturbing the dead. It is also known as the spider lily for its petals curved like spider legs.
Color meanings:
The red spider lily is often linked with sad memories and/or death of a loved one.
The white spider lily (lycoris albiflora) is connected to positiveness, freshness, and life.
Golden and/or yellow spider lily (lycoris aurea) connects to wealth/riches, it also symbolizes courage, love, and wisdom.
The blue spider lily (lycoris sprengeri) represents truth and calm energy. As well as stability, freedom, and inspiration.