Christmas trees: It’s the centerpiece of the pile of gifts you see on Christmas Eve. An estimated 25 to 30 million Christmas trees are sold in the U.S. every single year. But, when you’re shopping for a Christmas tree, do you get the real or fake one?
Here’s why you should get the real Christmas tree, and here’s why it’s important.
The Problem

There are many problems with buying fake Christmas trees, mainly environmental concerns. Most fake Christmas trees are made from plastic, so when fake Christmas trees are thrown out, that plastic can harm the environment.
Something that’s less thought of is the carbon emissions a fake Christmas tree can create. Most fake trees are made in China, then they are shipped around the world. The shipping process can create a massive amount of emissions, considering that about 10 million people buy fake trees every year.
There are benefits of purchasing a fake Christmas tree, though. They are generally cheaper, allergy-friendly, reusable for a few years, and require little maintenance.
The Real Deal
Buying a real Christmas tree has many benefits, even beyond an environmental standpoint.

It seems strange because you’re cutting down trees to put into homes. The truth is that Christmas tree farms are sustainable. The National Christmas Tree Association (yes that’s real) says that one to three seeds are planted for every Christmas tree harvested.
Buying Christmas trees is a great way to support local farmers and businesses. The money that they receive can also be used to support the forests they work in.
There are also many benefits on the consumer end, too. Real Christmas trees can be used in many different ways after the holidays. For example, trees can be used as fertilizer for a garden (unlike fake trees!), or be replanted as shelter for animals during the winter.
Whether real or fake, they both have their own benefits. Real Christmas trees, however, are generally better for the environment and for local businesses. It’s up to you to choose this Christmas.