The New York City climate clock has reached the point below five remaining years till our carbon budget will be all used up. Till then, leaders, journalists, climate activists, and groups of people across the world are spreading the word and contributing towards a solution to help in any way possible with the conflict.
Since pre-industrial temperatures, the earth’s average surface warming has gone up a significant amount. If this continues, the decline of Albedo will continue. This means the earth will absorb more solar radiation, thus making the risks of climate change increase significantly.
The climate clock is a countdown until the danger of the climate crisis is dangerously high and will start putting our lives at stake. Decreased water sources, extreme and unpredictable weather, and a reduction in food quality and quantity will just be the beginning of problems for people globally. Before this happens, the most logical thing to do is to quickly switch our sources of energy from fossil fuels to clean sources of energy.