Yemen is an Arabic country. The history of Yemen stretches 3000 years, and its unique culture is still evident today in the architecture of its towns and villages.
- Yemen is a country with a rich historical and cultural heritage.
- In addition to its cultural heritage, the country is rich in natural resources, including largely unexploited oil reserves.
- Sana`a is the capital of Yemen and one of the oldest continuously inhabited cities in the world.
- Yemen is located at the southern tip of the Arabian peninsula, a strategically important area.
- The Republic of Yemen has a population currently estimated at 27,000,000. Roughly 85 percent (20 million) live in north Yemen (the former Yemen Arabic Republic before unification.)
- Yemen is facing a severe humanitarian crisis of starvation and disease. UNICEF Estimates that 1.8 million children currently face malnutrition, and 400,000 severely malnourished children face death.
- Yemen has been under attack by Saudi Arabia since 2015 with support from the United States.