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LJMS Fine Arts Day

About the Fine Arts Day at LJMS, where the Band, Orchestra, and Choir show their skills to the school
LJMS Fine Arts Day

It’s that time of the year again! Fine Arts Day is back at LJMS, and the entire music department is extremely eager to put on a memorable show for the entire school! Fine Arts Day is a showcase of all the enriching music the Band, Orchestra, and Choir have been working on, and through performance, the school faculty and students get to witness all their hard work over these past few months in school! Fine Arts Day is always a blast for all the students, as they get to see all their friends in the spotlight, soaking up the moment to show what they have learned.

The Fine Arts Day program is when the LJMS Band, Orchestra, and Choir all line up in front of the gym bleachers, and each play a few tunes that they have been working on over the past few months, in preparation for the successful Winter Concert. Fine Arts Day is a special time for LJMS, as each year, there is always something new and grand planned during the concert. For those in the school that don’t participate in any of those programs, it is an excellent opportunity for them to soak in what it means to be part of a musical team. The tunes are always catchy, the vibes are always perfect, and the entire event is an opportunity for the music department to show their skills to their fellow classmates and teachers.

This year, in addition to the school watching, LJMS’s feeder elementary schools will also arrive, and they will get a good idea onto what middle school fine arts programs are like. Performing for the elementary schoolers is always a fun experience, and this year will be no exception.

On Tuesday, December 12th, the seventh, eighth, and sixth graders will all file in to the gym, grade by grade, to listen to the Band, Orchestra, and Choir each showcase a couple tunes. At LJ, we are all excited to listen to watch our peersĀ  show us what they have learned, and we know that Fine Arts Day will definitely be a success!


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Take Action:

Contact any music department director (Mr. Woodson for Band, Mr. Klucker for Orchestra, and Ms. Ballou for Choir) for any questions on the Fine Arts Day programs!


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