Old Factories During the Industrial Revolution
During the industrial revolution in 1760 a lot of things had change with factories. With more and more factories, more products were being mass produced everyday.
Factories started being national around the whole country, thanks to the transcontinental railroad, people could items shipped to one part of the country to another. The railroad also helped major trading centers.
When Thomas Edison created the lightbulb, it helped factory workers work longer, which helped them earn more money. Alexander Graham also helped factories by making the first long distance phone in 1893. The long distance cell phone helped factories communicate with business owners and other companies.

One of the creations that was made for factories was the assembly line. The assembly line helped many factories with mass producing things a lot quicker. The assembly line was a series of workstations lined up that moved materials in a lined formation. This helped Henry Ford’s car company because instead of a person making a car from start to finish, everyone got their own job and they would do that job only.
Factories at this time were extremely dangerous and one mistake could get you decapitated. What’s worse little kids were working in these factories. Children worked in factories and other job so they could help support their big families. Children were seen as easier to control and manage and they were paid less than the adults.
Problems in factories:
- unsafe working conditions
- long hours low pay
- very few breaks
- you complain, you get fired
- you get sick, you get fired
- you get hurt, you get fired
Factories have changed a lot since the industrial revolution, much safer, no more kids, better pay, and less problems.